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Latimer, Tocci host tribute ceremony for Gold Star Mothers

Westchester County paused Friday afternoon to honor the sacrifice of the families of who lost children in the service of our country at the county’s annual Gold Star Mothers & Families Memorial Tribute Ceremony. When an active-duty service member dies, that service member’s mother becomes a Gold Star Mother.

“These Gold Star Mothers cannot be appreciated more, cannot be honored more than we do,” County Executive George Latimer said. “We need to do this not just one day a year but as many times as we can. However many or few there are in this County, they have made a sacrifice that has defined their life with pain, but has given all of us a sense of the service they have given by having one of their own die on behalf of this country. We thank them in person. We thank
them in general. May this country never forget those sacrifices. May we always be ready at a moment’s notice to help those that have made that sacrifice and show them the honor that they have earned forever, no matter how many years ago that sacrifice occurred.”

Ronald C. Tocci, director of the county Veterans Service Agency, added, “Every September we gather here at this Memorial Walkway to honor not just those heroic souls that Westchester County has lost in the service of our country, but also their families and their loved ones, because the ultimate sacrifice in
the service of our freedom and way of life is a price not paid just by service members, but by the mothers, the fathers and their families who are left with a void for eternity. Hopefully we can make sure today and every day that these families know that they have our deepest gratitude and respect, that they and their
loved ones are not forgotten.”