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Latimer honors former CE Andrew O’Rourke

Westchester County Executive George Latimer is set to introduce legislation to the Westchester County Board of Legislators to honor Andrew
P. O’Rourke, Westchester’s sixth County Executive, by naming both the North and South County Trailways in his memory. The trailways are
proposed to be named the Andrew P. O’Rourke Westchester County Trailway.

Latimer said: “While we may have differed on certain ideologies from administration to administration, we are all united by our deeply-rooted desire to leave an indelible mark on this County once our time is done. I am proud to recognize the accomplishments of Andrew P. O’Rourke, and it is my hope that as people travel this County landmark, they will fondly remember him as a great leader, too.”

O’Rourke, who served as County Executive from 1983 to 1997, is remembered for his impactful leadership and contributions to Westchester
County. Under his tenure, numerous projects and developments were launched that have had a lasting impact on the community. To recognize his enduring legacy, Latimer’s proposed legislation will honor O’Rourke, and celebrate his commitment and service to the County.

O’Rourke’s Grandson Andrew J. O’Rourke said: “Mygrandfather would often say, ‘life isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.’ That mantra is what this
trail represents. A pathway from one place to another, beset with twists, turns, breaks, sights and sounds. We may all travel the path
differently, but we’re all on the path. We’ll all get there eventually.”

The introduction of this legislation is part of Latimer’s ongoing efforts to honor past leaders who have made substantial contributions to Westchester County. In addition to proposing to name the Westchester County Trailway in honor of O’Rourke, Latimer also plans to recognize and celebrate the contributions of others who played a pivotal role in the creation of these trailways, including Alfred DelBello
and Angelo Martinelli.

Since 1938 Westchester County has had nine County Executives, including Edwin Michaelian, for whom the County Office Building is named, and Alfred DelBello, for whom Muscoot Farm is named.